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4 ways you can create a positive money mindset

Updated: May 20, 2022

Our favourite ways of creating an abundance mindset to build wealth

Similar to other areas where you want to develop abundance, your attitude towards money has a correlation with how it plays out in your life. In this blog we will discuss they money mindset. Your money mindset is comprised of your beliefs and attitude towards money. Additionally, it can be developed from a range of factors that affect you in life.

Here at REIF, we believe that when you have a positive mindset around money, you can create positive outcomes in day-to-day life. It all has to do with the power of manifestation. We're here to help those who have a negative money mindset by sharing four ways to change it into a positive one.

When you change your mindset you have the power to manifest great results that can help you build wealth and support your financial future.

Forget About Your Past

One way to develop a positive money mindset is to forget about the negative experiences you were exposed to surrounding money. Too often we get caught up in our past mistakes and suffer from their consequences. The key to moving on from your past and any mistakes is to learn from them and then forgive yourself. The reality is; we can't change the past. However, we have the opportunity to write our future.

Forgetting about your past mistakes is imperative to establishing a positive money mindset

Similarly, you must push aside the negative beliefs you developed around money as a child. Many children are instilled with limiting beliefs around money and these negative beliefs are carried through to our adult lives. While many of us are influenced by our inner-child, we must learn to move past what we grew up believing and focus on creating a new reality. This is done by focusing on the potential that money can provide for us.

Learn To Live Below Your Means

For anyone wanting to create wealth we recommend learning to live below your means. It's a strategy that our CEO, David Chehade encourages people to do when working towards their financial freedom. When you begin to live below your means, you can save more money for your financial future.

Many people often find that as a result of living below their means, they become more grateful for what they have. Each day, it's important to practice gratitude to develop any sort of positive abundance mindset.

Develop a Neutral Relationship With Money

When you start to create an abundance mindset, you learn that there's plenty of wealth out there for everyone. While it takes some time to create this, the more neutral your mindset is towards money - the better your relationship with it becomes.

To develop a neutral relationship with money, you need to train yourself to look at money as just a number. You will then become less likely to establish limiting beliefs around it. You will notice that when you give money it returns back to you and you're constantly creating endless opportunities to make more money.

Create Big Goals

No goal is too big or small. We get told this all the time; but find it too hard to believe. The more that you develop an abundance mindset and create big goals you begin to put them into the forefront of your mind. When this happens you're more likely to take actions to achieve those goals.

This is something that we explain in greater detail in our blog; The Law of Attraction and Wealth Creation. In that blog we share ways to apply the law of attraction when setting goals by visualising them and taking actions daily to achieve them.

There are many ways that you can create positive mindset around money. These were just a few of our favourites. If you're interested in setting yourself up for your financial future and creating wealth, REIF are here to help! Contact us on the details below and we can start mapping out your future.

Ph: 1300 130 932


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