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How Much Do You Need To Retire Comfortably?

Updated: May 20, 2022

A million dollars may seem like a lot of money; but what if we told you it's not?

Inflation is continuously causing the dollar value to rise. Decades ago, a million dollars would have been more than enough to retire on. This is not the case now. In fact, to put it into perspective, in today's age the average person lives off roughly $4,000 every month. So, if you were to retire with JUST $1,000,000 for the rest of your life, it would last you just short of 21 years!

Now, let's face it - no one wants to be working until they're 70. The ultimate goal for many is to retire early and reap the benefits of their working years. The average life expectancy in Australia is around the 80-85 year mark. It's predicted that the average life expectancy will increase to 100 to 120 years in coming decades with the advancements to technology.

The likelihood of being able to retire comfortably at an early age with $1 million in the bank just became unrealistic, didn't it?

What About The Government Pension?

Currently, the government pension provides retirees between $1320 to $1760 a month. Those figures are also dependant on whether you're a single person or a couple. Either way, this is still way below the average $4,000 a month you need to live a comfortable lifestyle.

If you're a late Millennial or Gen Z, you can basically forget about the retirement pension. We have superannuation for that, but even that's not going to be enough. The average superannuation balance for male of the 64-69 age bracket is $384,000 and it's $313,000 for females.

REIF are making it possible for people to retire early and create wealth to support their financial future

It's Not All Doom and Gloom....Right?

By now, we'd be surprised if you chest hasn't dropped into your stomach.

Though, we're here to let you know that it's not all bad. In fact, there are ways that you can retire early and comfortably to live a fulfilling retirement. All while you try to set up your loved ones for life. We're going to explain how.

Know Your Numbers

Numbers are our game. Finance is our game. Providing strategies around how you can adequately make your finances work to build you wealth is our expertise.

Our wealth creation specialists are assisting hundreds of clients across the country with establishing structures and understanding how they can utilise their current wealth to generate more wealth.

Invest Your Funds Into Passive Income Producing Assets

Cashflow is king!

The more that you know how to utilise your cashflow and make more of it, the better your financial future will be. Our wealth creation specialists can show you how to utilise your money and put it into cash flow positive property investments. In the current market, real estate is the surest and securest way of producing wealth and making passive income.

While you spend the majority of your life working, property investments allow you to make passive income. The income that you can incur each year from a negatively geared investment property, after tax refunds and rent, can help you generate in some cases $20,000 plus from each investment property. The more that you leverage from your properties to grow your portfolio can mean more money in your pocket to support your retirement.

We understand that every client is different. We take an individual and holistic approach to every clients circumstances by establishing wealth structures that pave the path for their own financial success.

Create Your Own Financial Success

To claim your free 60-minute wealth consultation and learn more about what this looks like for YOU, be sure to contact us on the details below. Alternatively, click the button to book your appointment.

Ph: 1300 130 932


We explore this topic in our eBook 'Building Wealth Through Property.' Check it out here for FREE!

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